Once upon a time my friend, Jill, told me about Carmelitas. It sounded like they would hit aaaaall my buttons, so I did a little research and found tons of recipes online. I picked three and kind of Frankenstein-ed them together. The results were just OK, but I knew they could be great with a little tweaking. Then I forgot about them.
My love for Girl Scout Cookies is strong. I am hard pressed to declare a favorite, as I worship both Thin Mints and Samoas. The former are tempting for their crisp chocolatey-ness and refreshing mint (And, have you ever eaten one frozen?!?!?! Oh man, so good!!!). Samoas, on the other hand, are chewy and decadent.
My husband, Dave, is proud of his Scottish heritage; his mom emigrated from Scotland as a young adult and most of her family is still there. For years, she helped organize a Burns Supper in VT, where she lives now. We loved attending and made the trip up each January. Disappointed when the Suppers were no longer held, we decided to take matters into our own hands.