Important Update: Currently Not Taking Pork Share Preorders. We are pausing pork share preorders as we evaluate the next steps for the farm side of our business. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Please check back for updates or join our mailing list to be notified if pork shares become available again.

PORK you can feel good about

We raise pigs the old-fashioned way — on pasture and in the woodlands — so they are free to forage and play. In late fall, you might find them face deep in a giant pumpkin, brought over by a neighbor who no longer needs it for autumnal decor.

A few days each week, Dottie Audrey’s Bakery loads up a feast of pre-consumer scraps to supplement the pigs’ diets and help the bakery reduce food waste.

Yes, our pigs live pretty great lives. 

Growing pigs this way is not always easy, and saying goodbye is bittersweet. But it’s fulfilling to know that the meat we enjoy is truly humanely raised — not to mention delicious. 

Our Pork Shares

Twice each year, we’re thrilled to offer a limited supply of the same quality of meat our family eats through our pork shares. 

We sell the shares by the half and quarter pig at $7/lb hanging weight, with a $100 deposit due at the time of your order. (See below for more about hanging weight and how to choose which share is right for you.)

We understand that buying meat this way is a significant upfront investment, and the per pound price might sound higher than what you’re used to at the grocery store. 

By purchasing a pork share, you’re investing in a more ethical food system. Plus, you will get to enjoy supremely tasty meat. 

Our customers also find that when they eat our meat, they need less of it to feel satisfied. This is because our pork is marbled with more fat than your average grocery store meat, making it more filling and sustaining.

For example, in our own family, two of our thick cut pork chops easily feed five of us. 

This pork is not “The Other White Meat.”

What breeds of pigs do you raise?

The exact breeds vary from season to season, but they are always heritage breeds that we are fortunate enough to source from Tin Horn Farm in Selkirk, NY. We love Tin Horn because David, the farmer, treats his pigs just like we do, with great care and respect.

Our current pigs are Gloucestershire Old Spot x Large Black crosses.

What is hanging weight? 

Hanging weight refers to the pig's weight after it is scalded and scraped (removed of hair), blood drained, and organs removed. Hanging weight is on average 72% of live weight. 

Finished cuts will weigh less (in total) than the hanging weight.

How much does a quarter share weigh and how much meat will I get?

A quarter share has averaged about 60 pounds hanging weight per quarter, but we can’t guarantee the final hanging weight of the pigs. 

Sixty pounds hanging weight yields about 40 pounds meat (or 67% the hanging weight) while a half share would be about double.

Forty pounds sounds like a lot of meat! What does that look like, and how do I store it? 

A half share of meat will nearly fill a small chest freezer while a quarter share will nearly fill a standard freezer attached to your fridge. If you tend to like to keep a lot of other frozen food, we recommend you have a second freezer when investing in a pork share — whether a chest freezer or an upright version. 

Should I get a quarter share or half share? 

A half hog will feed a family of four for about a half year when eating pork a few times per week. If your family is smaller or eats less meat, then a quarter share is probably right. 

How long will the meat last? 

When kept frozen, the meat will be safe to eat indefinitely. We find it tastes best when eaten within eighteen months. 

How is the meat processed?

The pigs are USDA processed at Hilltown Pork Inc (animal welfare approved for humane handling) and come to us cryo-packed, labeled, and frozen.

The shares will contain a variety of cuts, including:

  • sweet Italian sausage links

  • split, bone-in fresh ham (fresh = not cured or smoked)

  • fresh belly (slab)

  • shoulder (bone-in)

  • chops (1.5” thick, 2/pack)

  • leaf lard

  • butt (split, boneless)

  • fatback

  • neck bones

  • feet

What about bacon? 

We offer fresh pork belly and can advise how to make your own bacon or outsource locally for smoking/curing; please email us for further details.

Can I choose the cuts I receive? 

The short answer is, unfortunately, no.* But receiving unfamiliar cuts is part of the fun of a pork share! You get to sharpen your cooking skills and find new favorites. As avid cooks ourselves, we’re always happy to share recipe suggestions. 

* With enough notice/if we have one available, you may purchase a whole pig share (which enables you to fill out a custom cut sheet).

How do I defrost the meat? 

You can refrigerate it for a day or so to thaw. If you want to thaw it faster, submerge the meat while still vacuum-packed in a large bowl of water. 

How will I know when your shares are released? 

If you would like to stay in the loop regarding availability, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page.

For more information please email